Hit a bus when it hesitated at a roundabout

  • sj315's Avatar
    The title is pretty self explanatory, I have dashcam footage showing several cars entering the roundabout on the right hand lane whilst this bus in front of me, in the left hand lane, hesitated which ended up with me lightly hitting this bus under the assumption it was going to enter the roundabout given the fact it was clear. It didn’t lol. I should also clarify that I hit it at like 5mph max as we were stationary for this roundabout.

    It drove off, I’m not really sure what to do I don’t want to make a claim as I did check my dash and my car and the damages are so minimal that I can quite literally fix it myself like nothing is actually broken it’s just a scratch mark. There is also no visible damage to the bus in my dash cam footage (I have stored this for my own sake).

    I just am not really sure what I’m meant to do since it drove away and I’m also a bit unclear who was at fault as I did go into it but it also hesitated an insane amount it even pulled forward to enter the roundabout after I hit it and hesitated again whilst it was still clear. Please advise.
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  • Best Answer

    TC1474's Avatar
    Best Answer
    A crash is only deemed to have happened if damage or injury was caused to a third party.

    If in this case there was no damage other than to your own vehicle then a crash is deemed not to have happened. Chances are that if the impact was that light the bus driver may not have realised given the size of the bus, and no damage was caused, so whether you report it is down to your conscience.

    But in terms of liability, you would be held 100% liable which is the case in 99% or rear end collisions. It is called strict liability in that you are required to be able to stop in the distance you can see to be clear, even when queuing in traffic.