5 Yrs NCB (not protected) have accident at fault want to become taxi driver How much?

  • zainibaba's Avatar
    I will be pleased if someone can help ...I have full Uk license,I am 48 years old and holding this Car license since 1996 issued in France
    I have my 1st car insurance in UK with Aviva which I bought online by a broker in Feb 2013.I have 5 years NCB from France. I have an accident in March 2013 with another car (My Fault). I,m paying anually just over 1500 (130 monthly instalment)...I have few question ???
    1. When there will be renewal in Feb 2014 how much premium will increase ?
    2. I am trying to become Private Hire Vehicle Driver, How I can get cheaper insurance after accident ??
    3.Which insurance is best for taxi ?
    4. Have I lost whole of NCB of 5 years ? OR lost just 2 years ?
  • 8 Replies

  • Dennis W's Avatar
    In which country did the accident take place? Did you claim on your insurance for the accident?
  • zainibaba's Avatar
    Accident took place in UK and yes I claimed for the accident .....
    In which country did the accident take place? Did you claim on your insurance for the accident?
  • smudger's Avatar
    When I got my Taxi license, way back in the 80s, the rules at that time were....must have held a full UK License for at least three years.

    Have a clean license, at the time of applying.

    A police check was made for criminal offences.

    (I wasn't a self employed driver, so the boss paid for the insurance, he told me that checks were made for previous insurance claims)
    Then all I had to do was pass the Hackney driving test, and that was it.
  • zainibaba's Avatar
    Each councils have their own rules regarding Driving License. Most of the council accept 1 year old UK DL and some maximum 3 years. Limits of points on DL varys council to council ,upto 5 or 6 points are acceptable for most of the councils. Criminal Record Bureau check is mandatory in UK. Application for Taxi DL is refused if you are convicted within 5 years or you have police caution depending on nature of crime. Now a days no one can disguise any claim history as all insurance companies have access to to central database to find the claim history or any insurance fraud etc.
    My only concern is insurance premium which can go significantly higher than usual after 1 claim on fault.If someone can share his experience concerning insurance premium hike after on fault accident.
    When I got my Taxi license, way back in the 80s, the rules at that time were....must have held a full UK License for at least three years.

    Have a clean license, at the time of applying.

    A police check was made for criminal offences.

    (I wasn't a self employed driver, so the boss paid for the insurance, he told me that checks were made for previous insurance claims)
    Then all I had to do was pass the Hackney driving test, and that was it.
  • Rolebama's Avatar
    The only people who can give you a definitive answer is your own insurer. The norm is to lose 2yrs NCB for a fault claim. However, I have been led to believe that if you claim again within a 12month period, it can be a total loss of NCB with some companies.
  • smudger's Avatar
    I have often wondered about this" Protected NCB" Ive been told so many different things, like you can make 2 claims within 3 years, and still keep your NCB. ?

    Then, I've been told totally the opposite? Is there a fixed rule on this, that is covered by all the insurance companies?
  • Rolebama's Avatar
    Smudger, I honestly believe the Protected NCB to be just yet another racket. A friend had a write-off collision and relied on his Protected NCB to see him right. Not a problem for his insurer though, as they just loaded his Policy by a high enough percentage that he paid triple the following year. After my collision I would have lost 2yrs NCB with no additional loading. My following year premium would have gone up by around 50%. Not three times!!!
  • smudger's Avatar
    Aye! I thought that would be the case, it seems the insurance companies always come out on top. Its the same when they advertise things like 75% off, yet you still end up paying about the same as folk with no NCB?

    Mind you, I was quite surprised when I changed over from that Smart car I had, to the 2Lr Mazda Sport, as my payments only went up from £20 a month to £24, I was expecting it to be higher. :confused: