nerves messed me up

  • mayingmassive's Avatar
    I took my driving test 2 days ago and failed miserably 3 serious faults and 5 minors. My nerves went completely something went wrong minutes in to the test when I reversed round a corner I corrected it but from there it went down hill I even hit the kerb pulling over something I have never ever done before I have managed to get a cancellation but my theory test runs out 2 days later so if I fail I have to do that again to I know I can drive so why when I got in the car with the examiner did I drive so **** . Whats worse was the mistake in the beginning only got me a minor fault. HELP:(
  • 6 Replies

  • smudger's Avatar
    Sorry to read about that, but the main thing to be while sitting your driving test,.... is Confidence!

    Just imagine the examiner is sitting there stark naked:rolleyes:, and if you do make a mistake,... tell them, that way they will know that you were aware of the fact.

    Keep telling yourself, you are in control, and doing well, really is a state of mind!
    So, be confident, get in there and prove that you can drive, and that you Are going to Pass;) Good Luck!
    Cheers, Smudger.
  • twills's Avatar
    Sorry to hear about whats happened. This did happen to me, and to be perfectly honest, i was nervous because I wasnt ready to pass!!! I took my test early just wanting to be self sufficient but I failed. 6 more lessons and a session just doing a few roundabouts over and over with a parent and I was sorted. If your generally a nervous person just thing - at the end of the day it it doesnt really matter, you lose £40-£50 odd quid or whatever it is, yea thats pretty bad but thats it, Its not like the instructor is going to mock you, they see it all the time. Take a few more lessons, if you have a car with L plates go and practice the bits you struggled with and keep at it! no poing in JUST passing then getting into an accident through lack of experience/Practice

  • mayingmassive's Avatar

    I passed my 2nd test this morning everything was going smoothly then out of no where a black 4x4 came speeding down whilst i was crossing a t junction causing me to brake sharply to avoid a collision convinced I had failed I carried on when we got to the test center the examiner said he was using his discretion and passing me because the fact he was speeding and even though my observation was at fault I realized my error and acted quickly . I was amazed what a nice bloke:D:D:D:D:
  • smudger's Avatar
    Hey mayingmassive, well done!:D did you give you an emergency stop even after that;)
    Cheers, Smudger.
  • 98selitb's Avatar
    Well done! Sounds like an amazingly nice examiner you had! Anyway that doesn't matter now, you successfully avoided the accident, which you deserve credit for, especially as it was on your test and you would probably have been nervous (?) and therefore had your true driving ability hindered a bit, and you passed your test so enjoy your motoring:)