First Car? Help Guys...

  • GlimmerMan's Avatar

    I have just passed my driving test, which by the way I found very easy. I am obviously an extremely competent driver and no car is too powerful for me etc.


    I need your help in choosing the ultimate first car. That doesn't mean I will be paying for a Bugatti, it means out of all the cars that you would expect someone to buy for their first car, which one is the best?

    Price is not an issue, as my father said he wouldn't mind paying for both the car and the insurence.
    I am 5'9 so most cars should be okay for me.

    What do you recommend?

    I await your prompt reply,

  • 8 Replies

  • Rolebama's Avatar
    As a new driver to make the comment: 'I am obviously an extremely competent driver and no car is too powerful for me etc.' My advice would be to buy yourself a tin hat and prepare yourself for a bit of flak.
  • anewman's Avatar
    I am obviously an extremely competent driver and no car is too powerful for me etc.

    Come back and repeat that after your first accident :rolleyes:

    Not sure why you need advice really. Most people would post in a forum asking about something within a budget - if you have plenty of money surely you just go for something you like the look of that's stupidly expensive like a Subaru imprezza.
  • Watcher's Avatar
    New car

    Try a van - plenty of head-room in that!:cool:
  • 98selitb's Avatar
    I have just passed my driving test, which by the way I found very easy. I am obviously an extremely competent driver

    Sorry, I couldn't help but cringe when reading that. I wouldn't want to get in the car of anyone who declared that - whether just passed their test or been driving for 50 years.

    Price is not an issue, as my father said he wouldn't mind paying for both the car and the insurence.

    I know you've done nothing wrong here, but expect a bit of flak from people who have been in your situation but have had to work hard for several years to get their own money to buy their first car themselves, which is usually cheap and small and generally not a great car because of the insurance cost. If I was in your position vis-Ã -vis money I would buy a good newish car with all the mod-cons; and enjoy the pleasure of owning and driving it! ;)
  • Mel Farquar's Avatar
    If you are interested in a new car, I would recommend the Toyota Yaris, it is small, sturdy and economical. Check out this amazing website, that finds the best car dealers in the UK. It's quite good for gettin some independant info on a range of new car prices from a range of dealers.
  • shadowland's Avatar
    Slow down..

    Be careful - you have an over-abundance of confidence. This is never a good sign in a new driver. Maybe you should go for safety rather than flashy in your first car! Remember: cost of insurance rises with size of engine too!
  • benedwards64's Avatar
    no car is too powerful for me etc.

    And what did you pass your test in exactly? A 1.2 corsa? A fiesta perhaps? I'm certainly curious to know where you got your experince of driving high-performance vehicles on the public road.

    If power is no problem for you, buy a souped up MR2 Turbo. You'll send it backwards into a ditch with in a week, I guarantee. Maybe then you'll get the wakeup call you so clearly need.

    Back in the real world, perhaps some guidelines might be helpful? Number of seats you need, the kind of car you're interested in, etc.
  • wagolynn's Avatar
    What you really should be looking for is something cheap to have your first crash in, try not to hurt anyone else. Spend some money on driving lessons or track days. Whatever, just remember it is not just a car it is a killing machine.