Petrol prices to rise again!

  • AnthonyS's Avatar
    The RAC has warned that petrol prices could rise to as much as £1.20 a litre by the end of the year. What do you think of this?

    Please click on the link below to see the full story and to give us your views:
  • 18 Replies

  • ficklejade's Avatar
    The RAC has warned that petrol prices could rise to as much as £1.20 a litre by the end of the year. What do you think of this?

    Please click on the link below to see the full story and to give us your views:

    We were paying over 124.9/l last year unleaded; over 135.9 diesel. What do you think I think of this? Just be thankful you have your Tesco's, Asda's, Morrison's and so on - oh, and possibly some public transport!

    I should like to see the RAC and other motoring organisations getting together to stand up for the rural and remote areas motorist, not issueing warnings and doing nothing! :mad::mad:
  • tommytwotanks's Avatar
    what amazes me is that the people in the know in the tv media, have this week have reported the price per barrel fell to $66, so why are the press going on about £1.50 :eek: a litre by Christmas

    tommy :D
  • ficklejade's Avatar
    what amazes me is that the people in the know in the tv media, have this week have reported the price per barrel fell to $66, so why are the press going on about £1.50 :eek: a litre by Christmas

    tommy :D

    I reckon it's all because various gov't's and the IPCC have signed up to the green thing without thinking out the consequences - and are too embarrassed to acknowledge more recent findings and stuff like NASA's errors, etc., not just to the motorist but to every single person in this country. Planning laws have changed so you can't stand up for your privacy and decent living in your own home anymore and, of course, a key target in this green thinking is the continued screwing of the motorist!

    You know what, I am ashamed that I belonged to the WWF and GreenPeace decades ago - they have become the tyrants (amongst others) of our age and unelected as are so many of the quangoes that gov'ts now use to justify the brainwashing of the people and the destruction of democracy.

    I'm just wondering if it's too late to have a motorists' political party for the next election?
  • smudger's Avatar
    This subject has been on here before, and the best way for all us motorists to let their feelings be know, is to have a boycott on a rotation basis....BP for 2 weeks, then Shell for 2 weeks, and so on.

    Of course it will never happen, as apathy is always with us, we just carry on being ripped off ans say or do nothing:rolleyes:
  • wagolynn's Avatar
    Rip off Britain springs to mind.:mad:

    Pricing motorist off the road is not the way to solve the ‘green issues’ we can only buy the vehicles that manufacturers make. Even then so called ‘eco-cars’ have an unjustifiable higher price tag.

    If you try the ‘man from outer space’ test, the governance of the UK has, in the main, been stupid.

    In the man from outer space test, one attempts to explain to someone who has no knowledge of how our world works. Try it on say political parties or banking for a start.
  • wagolynn's Avatar
    I see that Morrison’s supermarket is not putting up fuel price, which is a help if you can get to a Morrison’s. Cynically I might think this suggests they were making 2p excess profit prior to the fuel duty increase, how much are the others making?
  • tommytwotanks's Avatar
    I see that Morrison’s supermarket is not putting up fuel price, which is a help if you can get to a Morrison’s. Cynically I might think this suggests they were making 2p excess profit prior to the fuel duty increase, how much are the others making?

    i thought i heard on the radio that morrisoms are holding back the price rise until the 6th (sunday)

    tommy :D
  • wagolynn's Avatar
    i thought i heard on the radio that morrisoms are holding back the price rise until the 6th (sunday)

    tommy :D
    Oh dear you are right tommytwotanks, checked on RAC news, will have to put new batteries in my hearing aids.:o
  • smudger's Avatar
    What I cant understand is, why is it that petrol is so high when the price of a barrel of oil is less then $50?
  • tommytwotanks's Avatar
    What I cant understand is, why is it that petrol is so high when the price of a barrel of oil is less then $50?

    where did you get that figure from, Ive just looked on the BBC business page and they were quoting $67.55, but that's still lower than what it was, and anyway the vat goes back up to 17.5% in january i think, so another price rise :eek:

    tommy :D
  • smudger's Avatar
    It was less than $50 at the time we were paying 89.9 a Ltr??
    The government have just put yet another tax increase on it as well:(
    So when is it all going to stop:mad:
  • ficklejade's Avatar
    It was less than $50 at the time we were paying 89.9 a Ltr??
    The government have just put yet another tax increase on it as well:(
    So when is it all going to stop:mad:

    Sorry, Smudger, it's not going to stop - the oil companies want their profits and governments like their taxes on us and the oil companies. And don't forget that VAT goes back up to 17.5% next year.

    Rumour has it that there are mutterings about a possible pilot for derogation on fuel duty on some Scottish islands but the Scottish office (i.e. Westminster) don't see how it can be practical. Ha! Quite simply, no-one in their right minds is going to spend nearly £70 for a car and driver return on the ferry to save a few pennies a litre! Besides, if you don't have a permanent island residency that is your primary home, you can't join in. A certain phrase (ironically mentioning a popular liquid in pubs that seems to cost a lot in London and the SE and has been the excuse for not instigating derogation in the past) comes to mind. :mad: Perhaps they'd like to pay 115.9 unleaded and have high fuel consumption because of our lousy roads.
  • smudger's Avatar
    Yea! that is OK ficklejade, but there must be some way of us motorists to demonstrate our feelings on the matter?

    Personally, I would go for a two week boycott of each oil company in turn,... Like no one buys BP fuel for 2 weeks, then Shell and so on.

    That way their profits are being slashed with the overheads of keeping their fuel points open:cool:

    We have to do something at least, as we are all being ripped off big time:mad::mad:
  • Rolebama's Avatar
    Smudger, that will not hurt them. They know full well that the fuel will be sold. It is reckoned that fuel sales have dropped by a few percent over the last few years because of pricing. All that happens is the price goes up to compensate. (They still have shareholders to pay.)
    I have always believed that once fuel passed the £1 per litre, it would go up to £1.50 per litre relatively quickly.
  • wagolynn's Avatar
    This looks interesting.

    As snowball says, if they don’t get it on fuel then they will have to tax something else. But I wish they (politicians) would be honest about tax. To run the state requires money, the stupid media never ask the right questions. Like how much does government cost and where does it go (apart from expenses)? Or how much does the administration cost in various government departments? How much do we pay appointed bodies, for what and is it good value?
  • Rolebama's Avatar
    Four committees to look into road signs, five years to investigate why Rover went under, Hospital Admin staff outnumbering Doctors and Nurses, building dams in Africa, building roads in Africa, contributions to EU, do we really have to look that far to see how Govt is throwing our money around?
  • smudger's Avatar
    Yea! we have known that for years as every government has done the same, but there must be a way for us to make our voice be heard:mad:

    It looks like they want things to go back to the days when it was only the extremely wealthy that could afford to run cars, and we are just allowing it to happen:(
  • wagolynn's Avatar
    I think the saving grace is that, the wealthy cannot support the motor industry. Car manufacturers, to stay in business, will have to make some straight forward efficient cars for transport, rather than cars fitted out as entertainment centres.