VERY nervous old person.....

  • earthling's Avatar
    OK....not exactly needing a zimmer frame yet but at 31 I feel like the oldest person ever to have driving lessons! I seem to make BIG boobs on each lesson. One week I was too close to the kerb, the following week I was too far away from it, then I was too slow shifting gears and now today (oh, the shame) I almost blew the car up trying to be clever and go from 5th into 4th without a prompt but missed and went into second. I also seemed to clip the kerb every time I turned a corner! After reading the posts on the forum I feel even worse cos I haven't come across anyone else who's almost killed a car! I'm beginning to wonder if it's an age thing as I had a few lessons when I was 17 and can't remember making half the mistakes I do now! Please tell me I'm not the only person who fluffs every lesson!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • 8 Replies

  • Rolebama's Avatar
    I believe it is an established fact that learning becomes more difficult with age. Just persevere. Honestly, I have seen worse than you are describing. (I live in a residential area surrounded by Driving Schools who use the local roads for instruction.)
  • smudger's Avatar
    Aye! stay with it, you will get better as your confidence grows, it all comes together the longer you are behind the wheel;)
    Cheers, Smudger.
  • DennisPo's Avatar
    It doesn't matter how old you are. I have seen young people making mistakes that were worse. The only problem you might face as described before is the fact that learning becomes more difficult if you get older. That's all. :)
  • earthling's Avatar
    Hi all...thanks for the encouraging words ;) !! Somehow I managed to bunny hop the car last lesson... F@£& only knows how i did it but I will NOT be doing it it possible to sue yourself for whiplash haha ????:D:D:D
  • Rolebama's Avatar
    I know your question about being able to sue yourself for whiplash was only lightheared, but in today's compensation culture, the sad fact is that it is possible in a round about way.
    Truth can be so sublime sometimes!
  • twills's Avatar
    Dont worry about age, my gran took her first test at 48 and passed on the 3rd attempt!!! I think your being too self concious when driving and thats why your making the mistakes. Try and relax, think about what your doing, but dont sit and stare at 1 thing, just think about the process required to do it right, think to yourself what your about to do, say it in your head as you do it.

    Might help :)#

  • mazmw's Avatar
    OK....not exactly needing a zimmer frame yet but at 31 I feel like the oldest person ever to have driving lessons! I seem to make BIG boobs on each lesson. One week I was too close to the kerb, the following week I was too far away from it, then I was too slow shifting gears and now today (oh, the shame) I almost blew the car up trying to be clever and go from 5th into 4th without a prompt but missed and went into second. I also seemed to clip the kerb every time I turned a corner! After reading the posts on the forum I feel even worse cos I haven't come across anyone else who's almost killed a car! I'm beginning to wonder if it's an age thing as I had a few lessons when I was 17 and can't remember making half the mistakes I do now! Please tell me I'm not the only person who fluffs every lesson!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    i am 31 and taking driving lessons so you are not alone
  • wagolynn's Avatar
    Hi all...thanks for the encouraging words ;) !! Somehow I managed to bunny hop the car last lesson... F@£& only knows how i did it but I will NOT be doing it it possible to sue yourself for whiplash haha ????:D:D:D

    Is there any chance of getting onto a disused airfield or even an industrial estate at night, so you can concentrate on making the car do what you want it to, before you get involved in traffic?