
  • biggun's Avatar
    I try not to exceed 50-60 mph. This is good for the car, easier on thr brakes and tyres, the driving experiance for all the occupants is nicer, and I seem to get through more traffic lights at green. I think the traffic engineers time the changes for cars at this speed, and so if I see a set of lights in the distance on green, I take my foot off, knowing the lights are about to change, which they almost always do, and by the time I get to them, often they have switched back to green and I sail through. Also, no danger of a speeding ticket. It's a win all the way round. Try it.
  • 3 Replies

  • tommytwotanks's Avatar
    hi, welcome to the site,
    do you mean 50-60 even on a motorway, or dont you ever use them, my dad used to give the family car a blowout in the summer when we used to have a day out somewhere, because he used to say it doesn't do the engine any good just driving across town all the time, but that was back in the 60's-70's, thing's might be different now,
    i can remember a friend of mine buying a 2.0 litre capri that had been owned by a farmer, 6 year old with 35,000 on the clock, my friend might have driven it a bit harder than the farmer, but with-in a few month's the camshaft was rattling like a good'n, the garage said that this had happened because the previous owner never had it up to it's proper working temperature, causing the cam's to become soft, whether this is true i dont know

    tommy :D
  • smudger's Avatar
    Aye! you are spot on there tommytwotanks, my Dad said the exact same, he had a big Armstrong Sidley, and used to give a "good run" as he called it;)

    I used to borrow that car at times, and I cant really explain in words just what a pleasure it was to drive such a car:cool:
    So much power yet it drove so smoothly you had no idea just how fast you were travelling.

    BTW, Welcome to the site Biggun.
  • tommytwotanks's Avatar
    that's before my time, i think, :D my first recollection of my dad's car was a "ford prefect" back in the mid 60's, we had a long weekend in London, dad was glad to get back home after driving in London, everybody seemed to drive everywhere a 40 mph, but that was fast then

    tommy :D