HELP speeding

  • ohbugga's Avatar
    I passed a car on the way home today, at 80mph, she then sped up and stayed on my bumper, i increased my speed to arround 98mph, i think noticed that there was a car catching us, so i pulled in and slowed down, however the car i let pass kept going.
    The car which was following caught up to me, slowed down, then sped up and pulled the other car over, hence the following car was an unmarked police car,

    Am I screwed for speeding even though i was not pulled over? i.e. will it be on the video, is my question?

  • 20 Replies

  • smudger's Avatar
    Welcome to the site ohbugga, well you will know within 14 days, as that's how long they have to send you the ticket!

    Moral of the story is,...don't speed:rolleyes:
  • wagolynn's Avatar
    I think in practice the traffic police are reasonably sensible, in that if you are to overtake safely you do have to exceed the speed limit, of course you will be expected to slow back to the speed limit as soon as it is safe to do so. But why speed up with a car on your bumper, if you want rid of it, slow down... I think you will be ok, but as smudger says, if not they should contact you within 14 days.
    Good luck.
  • Snowball's Avatar
    Sorry, but the NSL is 60mph/70mph depending on type of road. Unless there are good reasons for the excessive speed, you both deserve to collect fines and points. Jousting with each other at any speed is foolosh; at 98mph it's absolute madness.
  • ohbugga's Avatar
    thanks for the reply Snowball, however, I feel that you are totally missunderstanding my post.
    I am not, for one minute, defending my actions, or indeed looking to escape for the speeding, hence the title "help speeding", I fully admit to breaking the speed limit and I am willing to accept the penalty.
    My question was "am I screwed for speeding, even though I was not pulled over".

    By the way, "jousting" implys that we were fighting for position, this is not the case if you read the post, there was only one overtake, that was performed by me.


  • Snowball's Avatar
    Sorry ohbugga. I read it that the car you overtook then repassed you. the forum posts on my computer are not helping, because some letters (T and H) are missing and it isn't my computer at fault; are you having same problem?

    Is anyone else having a problem? System seems to have slowed down too!!!:confused:

    Don't think you will be pulled. I think these police vehicles either pull you themselves, or have one waiting ahead to stop you.

    Regards, snowball.
  • ohbugga's Avatar
    Yes, I am also having the same issue today.

    I'll keep you all posted, however, as stated previously, despite being taught to drive at speed, the moral is don't speed. Hopefully a lesson learned without the addition of points.


  • wagolynn's Avatar
    the th problem shows on my machine too, looks like it is a forum problem.
  • smudger's Avatar
    I sometimes see weird symbols when folk post the £ sign, its like three symbols all mixed up together, it has the following in it..A£(... but all mixed up if you know what I mean?
  • ficklejade's Avatar
    I sometimes see weird symbols when folk post the £ sign, its like three symbols all mixed up together, it has the following in it..A£(... but all mixed up if you know what I mean?

    Also getting missing letters and main forum very slow or won't load - this posted on Static forum.
  • Collette Wright's Avatar
    Hi ficklejade, yes thats a formatting issue that happens when entering certain symbols
  • Collette Wright's Avatar
    Hi ficklejade, yes there were some problems with the forum yesterday making it very slow but we are working to improve this.
  • Snowball's Avatar
    Hi ficklejade, yes there were some problems with the forum yesterday making it very slow but we are working to improve this.

    Please to hear that, Collette. This is one of the best forums on the web, both in content and subscribers. It is a terrible shame that it is being let down by being among the worst for response speeds.
    can anyone explain why other forums which apparently operate the same system do not have these problems?:confused:
  • smudger's Avatar
    Snowball, are you still using the original version of the site?

    As the shortened version that some of us are using , is a lot faster!;)

    Try it.....
  • Snowball's Avatar
    Hi, smudger. i have used that version in the past when i had problems. But I lost the URL when my last computer crashed (permanently) and haven't found that site again.:o
  • ohbugga's Avatar
    Well, 1 week down, no ticket, 1 to go.

    After speaking to a mate in the force he thought that the police would be more interested in the car driving to close.

    However, it's the not knowing that's a killer.

    Update to follow late next week


  • smudger's Avatar
    Quote"..But I lost the URL when my last computer crashed (permanently) and haven't found that site again"

    Just click on that link, and save it to your Bookmarks or Favourites;)
    ohbugga, let us know after that week has passed.
  • thedriver's Avatar
    I feel sorry for the OP....but this is better than any Eastenders or Home & Away :)

    Let us know how things go.
  • Snowball's Avatar
    In the course of driving, even those with the best of intentions can, at some time, make a genuine mistake. That is only human, but we are all only too aware that, as drivers, that failing is absolutely disallowed.
    With all manner of "speed trap" risks that now exist, any driver can be left wondering if he/she has committed a minor (but punishable) infringement; even though this has not happened in reality.

    So the driver is left with an indeterminate period of worry hanging over him/her; worsened by knowing that mitigating explanations will be summarily dismissed.

    If a child was similarly held in suspense of threatened punishment, it would probably attract social services attention.

    I once spent a short time on a carpark, in conversation with a police car driver. I asked him what he thought of speed cameras. His answer was that they are "distracting". If they are distracting to a traffic cop, what does that say for us ordinary mortals?
  • ohbugga's Avatar
    Well, that's 3 weeks since my issue, so far, there has been no letter or ticket in the post, HOPEFULLY I am now in the clear :D

    WOOHOO, lessoned learned though, plus it's amazing how much fuel saving you can make by dropping just a wee bit of speed, i.e. 5mph on average!

    Thanks to all for your help, comments and pointers.


  • smudger's Avatar
    Aye! I bet you have learned the error of your ways, over the past weeks;)

    The stress alone was more punishment then the 3 points and £60 fine;)